It doesn't have to be taboo:

stress incontinence is treatable!

Stress incontinence is treatable

Stress incontinence is a urinary retention problem, it means involuntary, involuntary leakage of urine. Urine loss and dripping occurs when coughing, sneezing, or playing sports. The most common cause is the weakness of the connective tissue layer surrounding the anterior vaginal wall.

Based on the severity of the symptoms, we distinguish 3 degrees of stress incontinence:

During mild incontinence of the first degree, urine drip occurs as a result of strong abdominal pressure (mainly when coughing or sneezing).
II. degree, moderate incontinence in case of urine leakage, abdominal pressure is already weaker, e.g. it also occurs as a result of walking on stairs.
III. degree, severe incontinence: involuntary release of urine also occurs at rest.

Stress incontinence is most often caused by a bladder hernia (cystocele), or it develops in connection with a urethrocele. It develops after a fetus that is too large, rapid delivery, vaginal delivery surgery (clamp surgery, vacuum extraction). It often occurs due to estrogen-deficient connective tissue weakness that develops after menopause (the elasticity of the urethra decreases with respect to the flow of urine), but connective tissue weakness can also occur at a younger age.

How to determine the severity of incontinence?

The severity of incontinence can primarily be determined in the context of a gynecological consultation, but with the following test we can get a very accurate picture:

Score 0 1 2 3
Have you ever lost your urine? no Yes
When did you first experience dribbling? During pregnancy After birth Around the time of change Another time
How many times have you given birth? I didn't give birth one two 3 or more
How often do you have incontinence? Rarely (e.g. with a cold) many times a day constantly
Are you able to stop urinating if you want to? Yes no
When will your urine drop? it won't drop when coughing, sneezing with a strong urge to urinate constantly
How much urine drips? there is none a few drops flow larger quantity
Does the frequent, urgent urge to urinate cause a problem? no sometimes bothers me confusion it bothers me a lot
When you have the urge to urinate, do you go to the toilet immediately or can you wait? I can wait I have to go right away
Does it happen that after the urge to urinate, your urine drops before you reach the toilet? no rarely regularly
Do you wake up at night with an urgent need to urinate? no once, sometimes several times
Do you leak urine at night while you sleep? no sometimes regularly
0-10 mild
11-20 middleweight
21 or older serious

Treatment options for stress incontinence: surgery versus laser treatment

Today, there are several solutions to deal with this problem. The most well-known procedure is the surgical solution, of which there are many, nearly a hundred different surgical methods. However, surgery is only recommended in severe cases. Unfortunately, in many cases it is ineffective, but at the same time it causes a lot of discomfort, pain, and a long recovery time.

To this day, the most popular surgical method is anterior vaginal wall plastic surgery, performed mainly by gynecologists. In this case, the vaginal wall is narrowed and the urethra is raised. However, this surgical procedure often does not lead to results. During the operation, a catheter is inserted into the bladder. This causes a lot of discomfort, not to mention the possibility of infection and the difficulty of urinating after the catheter is removed.

More modern and gentler procedures are the so-called band surgeries, but unfortunately the cut cannot be avoided in this case either. In most cases, the cut heals with scarring, thereby changing the sensitivity of the vaginal wall in the affected area.

In contrast to surgery, the CO 2 RE Intima laser, non-cutting incontinence treatment has no complications, no recovery time, and you can immediately return to your daily activities. The procedure also restores the health of the vagina. Due to its effect, incontinence complaints are reduced or even completely eliminated. (In the case of older people, strengthening the muscles – intimate exercises and strengthening the barrier muscles – significantly improves effectiveness, so a combined procedure is recommended in this case.)

The essence of the treatment is to provide firm support to the base of the bladder by rebuilding the collagen of the vaginal wall and the pelvic ligament system, thus eliminating incontinence by strengthening the connective tissues. The CO 2 RE Intima laser intimate treatment does not require surgical preparation, there are no cuts, sutures, or epithelial damage, so there is no need for post-treatment, antibiotics and painkillers after the treatment. After 48 hours, sexual life can be resumed. And last but not least: 80% of patients do not feel any pain during the treatment!

CO 2 RE Intimate

CO 2 RE Intima is the world's safest intimate laser treatment, which can only be performed by a doctor trained by Candela. In international terms, we are talking about a very popular and accepted treatment, which means better results and significantly less effort for the patient compared to traditional interventions. Intimate laser treatment can be performed in 10-20 minutes after a gynecological examination. After the laser treatment of the vaginal wall, an improvement can usually be seen after the first treatment, but 3-4 treatments are necessary to achieve a lasting result.

At Secret Medical, our female patients are in the best hands, as Dr. Gyula Illés Balogh, gynecologist, endocrinologist, and intimate laser specialist performs CO 2 RE Intima intimate laser treatments. Dr. Balogh has successfully performed more than 1,000 treatments with CO 2 RE Intima. Watch our video, in which the intimate laser treatment is presented in detail!